Monday, October 26, 2015

Maternity Tour

We attended the maternity tour at the hospital where we will deliver the baby. The reality started to sink in, baby is coming in 5 weeks! We began our tour outside the hospital entrance learning where to drop off the package (me), where to park, and where to go once we enter the hospital. We then toured around the rooms we will be in: observation room, birthing suite, and recovery room. The facility is new and wonderful!

After the baby is born, the mother and baby will be moved to the recovery room. And on the way there, there's a painting of a mother and child on the wall. There's a small button within the painting that mom/dad can press and a lullaby will be played throughout the entire hospital to welcome the baby and spread the awesome news of a newborn! That's so neat and special!! Can't wait to press that button and welcome our little one! 



Monday, October 19, 2015

Pregnancy: Week 33

Entering into week 33 of my pregnancy! Countdown: 7 weeks to go! Really feel like carrying a bowling ball and walking like a penguin.... 

Lack of sleep is still happening due to bathroom runs throughout the night, turning and tossing trying to find the perfect position, plus sweating and leg cramps in the middle of the night... That makes napping in the afternoon necessary. It's like a training and preparation for those sleepless nights to come! Feeding and diaper changing day and night! 

I'm actually a little anxious about giving birth... Sometime weird thoughts would just pop into my head, like when I feel a little pressure on my belly, then I would be thinking if the baby is gonna come out... Or how would I know if my water breaks while taking shower... We often have thoughts that bring fear and stress, so what's on our mind is really important. I have to keep reminding myself to pray constantly, to replace those thoughts with the Word of God and His promises!! 

邁入孕期第33週,倒數7個禮拜。真的有帶著一顆保齡球的感覺⋯ 覺得自己走路有點像企鵝的感覺⋯ 

睡眠不足是真的,半夜凌晨都要爬起來上廁所,翻來覆去找到最好的姿勢,加上每次睡覺都滿身大汗,腳偶爾睡到半夜還會抽筋,吃了香蕉也無法避免~ 所以下午一定一定要睡午覺補眠~ 現在的睡眠不足應該就是為了到時候要日日夜夜餵奶換尿布做準備吧!

對於生產其實還是有點緊張擔心⋯ 常常會有奇怪的想法出現,像是肚子有一點壓力就會想說會不會是要生了,或是在洗澡的時候會想如果水破了我怎麼會知道⋯等等,所以說我們人的心思意念真的很重要,常常會想一些有的沒的嚇自己、給自己增加壓力⋯ 所以要常常提醒自己常常禱告,用神的話語跟神的應許來代替那些會讓我害怕的想法!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Breastfeeding With Success Class

This was our first official class at the hospital. Four hours of class learning about breastfeeding! It shows how important it is to breastfeed!! We practiced with the little doll on how to hold the baby in different positions while feeding and how to help the baby to burp. It was actually very informative. 


Monday, October 5, 2015

Prenatal Check-Up #6



沒想到,我ㄧ進電梯頭又開始暈眩,我馬上靠著Will跟他說,我頭好暈~~~~ 接下來我就處於半昏迷的狀態了。我根本張開不了眼睛,Will說我身體開始發抖,但是我耳朵還聽得到聲音,聽到Will請別人堆一台輪椅來,他跟我說我後面有輪椅,我坐下來,但是還是睜不開眼睛,知道有醫護人員來幫忙,知道有機器夾在我的手指頭上量我的脈搏,知道我坐在輪椅上被推.....接著就被推到急救部門去了。


打了一個多小時的點滴,因為血管小所以要打比較久。其實已經清醒了,就問Will說,護士給我打什麼種點滴?他說:牛肉湯!哈~讓我這個大肚婆快笑死了,可以笑就是應該有體力了~ 最後打完點滴護士要量三次血壓確定正常才肯讓我離開。


This was my 6th prenatal check-up. I ate some bread and apple juice for breakfast and was up early for the 8:30am appointment. The routine includes weight check, blood pressure, and urine test. The doctor measured the baby's heartbeat, which is strong and fast, around 150 a minute. The measurement of my belly is also within the normal range. The doctor then recommended me to get flu shot and Tdap vaccine. Because the due day is December and it's the flu season, people who will be in contact with the baby are recommended to get one. So I got two shots from the nurse after the check-up and left. 

When we were about to take the elevator to go down, some nurses at the counter waved at us and asked if we want to get flu shots. We went over to ask some questions and all of a sudden I felt lightheaded. The nurse had me sit down on the chair and gave me a water bottle. I was fine and waiting for will to get his flu shot. After he was done, we left and took the elevator from second floor to the first. 

Unexpectedly, I felt lightheaded again when we walked into the elevator. I leaned on Will and told him that my head was so dizzy. Then...I was in the state of half unconsciousness. I wasn't able to open my eyes at all, Will said that my body started shaking, but I could still hear. I heard Will asking someone to get a wheelchair and then he told me that the wheelchair was behind me so I could sit. After sitting down on the wheelchair, I still couldn't open my eyes. I knew the medical came to help, the machine was clipped on my finger to get my pulse, and I knew I was pushed to somewhere. Then I was admitted to urgent care. 

Then I was able to open my eyes, cold sweats all over, the medical staff measured my blood pressure and assisted me to move to a bed. I felt so weak but was thinking that if I could open my eyes then maybe I could leave after lying down for a bit. But then my blood pressure was very low, and it was getting lower and lower. The doctor and nurse wanted me to have IV before they can release me. But my veins are so small that the nurse needed to try a least the second time to get the needle in my vein. My blood sugar level was also tested, 80 something within the normal range. So I was poked by needles five times in total today. 

Because of my small vein, it took longer to get the IV done. Actually I was completely awake and conscious. I asked Will what they gave me on the IV, and he said, "BEEF SOUP!" haha... I was laughing and that was a good sign to know that I had the energy to laugh. So I was released from the urgent care after they measured my blood pressure three times to make sure it was back to normal. 

Everything happened so fast. Praise the Lord, I'm so thankful that Will was with me and I could faint in his arms instead of on the floor. And it happened at the hospital so we got the medical help immediately. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Pregnancy: Week 31

Officially going into my 31 week of pregnancy today, 9 weeks left before the due day. Those who have been journeying along with me through the pregnancy must feel the time has gone by really quickly, waiting and expecting with excitement!

My belly grows bigger in a faster pace this last trimester, especially these few weeks. Baby moves around a lot, it amazes me by watching the movement of my belly and knowing that there's another human being inside! Baby also responds to hubby when he talks to the baby~ I have quite good appetite recently, but once awhile I'd have acid reflux causing the burning sensation on my throat. Eating less bread or carbs definitely improves. I've gained nearly 20 pounds by now, the heaviest I've ever been! Don't know how many more pounds I will get within the next two months.

I rarely sweat before and I was afraid of cold but now my body temperature is high and I sweat all the time. This September was extremely hot. The electricity bill for last month triples.... Because I had to turn on the AC the moment when I wake up in the morning. I sweat so much during sleep and I didn't use a blanket for a long time...Had leg cramps three times during sleep, it was so painful. It's hard to find a comfortable sleeping position. I can only sleep on my side, 45 degree on the left or right. It's not as easy as before to turn. 

But praise the Lord, my heart is full of joy, no serious discomfort at all. A lot going on this month with doctor check-up and some classes, including breastfeeding, basic infant care, and maternity hospital tour.

Thank you all for your care, encouragement, and prayers!




