Sunday, November 22, 2015

Pregnancy: Week 38

Another week has gone by so fast. Entering into week 38 of my pregnancy, countdown less than 2 weeks. Nervous and exciting! It's anytime now! Everyone says my belly is so huge, feels like a bowling ball! 

Something special about this week was we had a maternity photo shoot, very special experience. We will share the pictures once we get the photos! I still have morning sickness symptoms these couple two days.....

Hoping this coming week will be relaxing and I will be enjoying the thanksgiving celebration and turkey feast! Of course, enjoy the last two weeks of just the two of us!! 

很快的一個禮拜又過了,進入孕期第38週,倒數兩個禮拜。緊張緊張,刺激刺激⋯ 隨時都有可能生~ 每個人看到我都說我肚子好大啊!感覺跟一顆保齡球ㄧ樣~

