Wednesday, July 22, 2015

All Day Sickness

昨天竟然又狂吐了三次,早上才吃完一片吐司,準備要出門了,突然覺得有點怪怪的,我就說,我有點想要吐,話才ㄧ說完,整個就從嘴巴"噴"出來了,一點也沒誇張,整個餐桌都是⋯⋯⋯ 晚上吃完晚餐一個多小時後也不舒服,覺得反胃,也是衝到廁所大吐,晚餐全部都吐出來了,後來就刷牙洗臉準備睡覺,才ㄧ躺下,馬上又覺得不對勁,又衝到廁所吐⋯⋯ 整個人趴在洗手台上,都沒東西了還可以吐⋯⋯ 


I puked three times yesterday. I don't think I should call it "morning sickness" but "all-day sickness!" Threw up to a point where there was nothing left.... I literally needed to run to the bathroom. Finally I was back in bed feeling so weak and dehydrated, and my baby started moving so much! That brought a big smile on my face!


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