Saturday, November 7, 2015

Pregnancy: Week 36

Entering into week 36 of my pregnancy! All of sudden the summer is gone and feels like the winter is here. Have been busy getting ready for the birth of our baby boy: cleaning the house, buying baby stuff, washing baby clothes, towels, and blankets, getting the room ready for my postpartum rest... It's exciting yet nerve racking at the same time.

Feet are swollen these couple weeks so I have to cut down the intake of sodium, less salty food for me and it helps. Vision is about the same, not affected by pregnancy. Harder and harder to turn during sleep. Belly is getting heavier and bigger.

Million thanks to those who have showered us with lots of blessings, gifts, and prayers!!! We are deeply loved and blessed!! I'm also very grateful for those experienced moms who are so willing to answer my questions and remind me what to prepare. 

Everything is in God's hands and in His beautiful time! 

進入孕期第36週!突然間夏天就不見了,感覺上已經是冬天了!最近為了準備baby的出生比較忙ㄧ點:整理家裡,買baby的東西,洗baby的衣服毛巾毯子,準備做月子的房間⋯ 雖然很興奮但也是很緊張。


