Saturday, May 30, 2015

Pregnancy: Week 12

Today marks the first day of my 13th week of pregnancy. Woohoo! 27 more weeks to go!! The baby now is about the size of a peach. It's fascinating to find out how the baby develops each week. I'm extremely impressed with God's creative power and detailed design. 

For the past two months, I think I spent 2/3 of my time in bed resting due to severe nausea and vomiting. But praise the Lord that baby is strong and healthy! And I'm so blessed with loving families and friends who care for us through my "painful-but-joyful-morning-sickness" time... Thank you for all the homemade foods, encouragement, support, and prayers! We feel much loved!

今天是懷孕進入第13週的第一天,YAY! 只剩27個禮拜!寶寶現在大概是像一顆水蜜桃這麼大。每個禮拜寶寶的成長都讓我覺得很奇妙,不得不讚嘆神創造的大能和祂極為細膩的設計!


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

My Very First Mother's Day




This year's Mother's Day is a very special one, full of tears of joy and lots of hugs. It's a great joy knowing a new life is forming inside my womb! 

I thank God for His miraculous work. He has given us the most beautiful gift. He has answered our prayers. My whole being, every piece of me, is full of praises and thanksgiving. I trust in His perfect plan and timing in our lives. He is the giver of life. He is God almighty, our faithful God. 

Monday, May 11, 2015

We Believe!

We Believe!

I used to turn the page as soon as I could when I saw the word "barren" in the Bible. It wasn't a word we like to see because it was just too real to us. Then one day God opened my eyes to see the one sentence often comes after the word barren...... "Then God opened her womb and she conceived."

After seven years of waiting, praying, doubting, and crying; seeing countless doctors and hearing how to naturally conceive was impossible for us....... We are here to testify that God is faithful and true! He makes all things beautiful in His time!

It is with GREAT joy to let you know that we are expecting our first child!!!

We give all the glory to God and we ask you to continue praying for us during the pregnancy! Thank you for all your love, support, and prayers over the years! We are truly blessed!